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Can IT take the leading role in the digitalization of organizations?

Can IT take the leading role in the digitalization of organizations?

In today's digital era, IT plays a central role in the transformation of companies. Digitalization is not only a technological challenge, but also a strategic necessity. IT departments are required to act not only as supporters, but as active drivers of digitalization. But can they fulfill this role?

The growing importance of IT

Traditionally, IT in companies was often viewed as a reactive department that merely provides infrastructure and carries out maintenance work. However, with the advance of digitalization, this image has changed dramatically. IT departments are increasingly seen as strategic partners that can drive innovation and enable new business models.

The introduction of new technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and big data has significantly increased the influence of IT on business strategies. Companies that successfully use these technologies can not only increase their efficiency, but also open up completely new markets and ensure their competitiveness.

Challenges for IT

Despite the great potential, IT faces significant challenges when it comes to assuming the role of driver in digitalization. One of the biggest hurdles is the integration of new technologies into existing systems and processes. This requires not only technical know-how, but also a deep understanding of business requirements.

In addition, IT departments must work closely with other departments to ensure that digitalization is successful not only technologically but also organizationally. This requires a change in corporate culture in which IT is no longer perceived as an isolated unit but as an integral part of the company.

Strategies for successful digitalization

To successfully put IT into the role of driver of digitalization, companies must take several steps:

  1. Strengthening the IT strategy: IT must be closely linked to the business strategy to ensure that technological innovations are used specifically to achieve the company's goals.

  2. Promote collaboration: IT departments should act as partners of management and other departments. This promotes a deeper understanding of business processes and enables more effective implementation of digitalization projects.

  3. Investing in training: Digital transformation requires continuous training of IT employees to keep up with the latest technologies and trends.

  4. Flexibility and agility: IT must be able to react quickly to changes in the market. Agile methods and flexible IT infrastructures are crucial here.


IT has the potential to play a leading role in the digitalization of organizations. It is not just a supporter, but can act as an engine for innovation and transformation. However, this requires a strategic orientation of IT, close cooperation with other business areas and a willingness to continuously invest in new technologies and skills. If these prerequisites are met, IT can actually become the driving force behind the digital transformation of organizations.

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